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Looking to buy your first home?

Do it once. Do it properly. Save money.


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After you have made the decision you get asked a thousand questions that can be very overwhelming unless you have an experienced person to guide you through the situation like we do at Mortgage Broker In Perth.

I will give you as much or as little assistance as you need in the buying process.

If you’re looking to build I have contacts in the building industry, so I can point you in the direction of an honest builder, which can be hard to find on your own. I have software to assist you in finding the right house and land package to suit you.  If you’re looking to buy established I can assist with an RPDATA search, so you can get all of the inside information about the property when you start negotiating with the seller.

Would you like to know if you’re buying next door to a housing commission home, because I have the ability to tell you. Also if you go direct with a builder they normally only have access to 1 or 2 lenders whereas I have 42 different lenders, I can use this to find you the best deal. Often builders and banks only care about selling you a house today, whereas I want to make sure you’re in a fantastic position in five years and want to use my services again for your next house or even an investment home.

Congratulations on deciding to buy your first home!

Free Downloads for First Home Buyers

I firmly believe that knowledge is power so I would like to reward your search for information by offering these free

First Home Buyer Guides for to you to view or download here. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me or when you're ready book your free assessment. 

The 4 Steps to Save Money on Your First Home

The 4 Steps to Save Money on Your First Home

Buying Your First Home and Saving Thousands 

from the Start

Buying Your First Home and Saving Thousands 

from the Start

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